Consequences of participation: a meta-analysis

Heiner Evanschitzky, Katharina Kils, Matthew Alexander, Martin Eisend

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


(1)Research Question
Is participation beneficial for all participating partners or is there a trade-off between customer outcomes and firm outcomes?
(2)Method and Data used (not applicable for non-empirical papers)
We conducted a meta-analysis based on 197 manuscripts that included 252 independent samples that provided 1,154 effect size estimates. The combined total sample size of our study is 149,155 observations.
(3)Key Contributions to the academy (marketing discipline) and the practice (marketers and managers)
This study is the first to synthesize empirical results on the effect of participation on important outcomes at the customer- as well as firm-level. It thereby serves as an essential building block of knowledge in the field of marketing. Managers are informed about the viability of participation as a strategy to improve customer - as well as firm outcomes.
(4)Summary of Findings
We find positive medium to large effect sizes for firm as well as customer outcomes suggesting a generally positive effect of participation for both partners. Further, we reveal several moderating effects of time, region, and purchase stage during which participation takes place.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages12
Publication statusPublished - 23 Feb 2018
Event2018 AMA Winter Academic Conference - New Orleans, United States
Duration: 23 Feb 201825 Feb 2018


Conference2018 AMA Winter Academic Conference
Abbreviated titleWinter AMA
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CityNew Orleans
Internet address


  • consumers
  • marketing
  • service development


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  • Best Paper Award

    Evanschitzky, H. (Recipient), Kils, K. (Recipient), Alexander, M. (Recipient) & Eisend, M. (Recipient), 23 Feb 2018

    Prize: Other distinction

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