Computer vision as a new paradigm for monitoring of solution and solid phase peptide synthesis

Chunhui Yan, Calum Fyfe, Laura Minty, Henry Barrington, Craig Jamieson*, Marc Reid*

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We report a strategy for the camera-enabled non-contact colourimetric reaction monitoring and optimisation of amide bond formation, mediated by coupling reagents. For amide bond formation in solution phase, investigation of reactions mediated by HATU, PyAOP, and DIC/Oxyma evidenced correlations between colour parameters extracted from video data and conversion to amide product measured by off-line HPLC analysis of concentration. These correlations, supported by mutual information analysis, were further investigated using video recordings of solid phase peptide synthesis (SPPS), co-analysed by off-line HPLC to track remaining unreacted substrate in solution. An optimisation method of coupling time in SPPS was derived from ΔE (a measurement of colour contrast), giving comparable isolated peptide yield and purity at 65–95% reduced overall reaction time. The same colour data enabled data-rich monitoring of reaction rate attenuation, consisted with computationally-derived measures of amino acid steric bulk. These findings provide a foundation for exploring the use of camera technology and computer vision towards automated and online mechanistic profiling of SPPS.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)11872-11880
Number of pages9
JournalChemical Science
Issue number42
Early online date10 Oct 2023
Publication statusPublished - 21 Nov 2023


  • amide bond formation
  • computer vision
  • camera technology
  • peptide synthesis


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