Compreendendo e enfrentando o trabalho escravo no século XXI: a relevância do protagonismo dos trabalhadores

Translated title of the contribution: Understanding and confronting slave labour in the 21st century: the relevance of workers' protagonism

Luis Leao, Brian Garvey

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

Translated title of the contributionUnderstanding and confronting slave labour in the 21st century: the relevance of workers' protagonism
Original languagePortuguese
Title of host publicationDiálogos internacionais
Subtitle of host publicationtecnologias e a nova direita
EditorsIsabele B M D'Angelo, George A Lando
Place of PublicationRecife
Number of pages17
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2021


  • slave labour
  • working conditions

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