Competition Law: Comparative Private Enforcement and Collective Redress across the EU

Research output: Book/ReportBook


This book presents and evaluates the results of an AHRC funded research project designed to generate a quantitative analysis of the extent to which private enforcement of competition law has taken place across twenty-seven EU Member States over a period of 13 years to 1 May 2012 in order to consider the extent to which the rights provided by competition law in the EU are protected and accorded effectiveness. It fills a major gap in our knowledge of the use of private litigation in Europe, especially in relation to consumer redress in competition-related cases, providing valuable empirical evidence to inform policy debate and developments. Based on extensive work by expert rapporteurs from 27 EU Member States, the study comprehensively identifies, for the period 1999–2012, all competition law cases before the domestic courts of the EU where parties were seeking to exercise rights conferred on them either by EU law (Articles 101 and 102 TFEU) or the domestic competition law equivalents. The general hypothesis that underlies the project is that private enforcement practice may at least partly be explained by the existence or availability of particular institutions, mechanisms and cultural factors in relation to the particular legal system, and, accordingly, the book provides an overview of certain aspects of the legal and institutional background to private enforcement across the Member states.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationAlphen aan den Rijn
Number of pages302
Publication statusPublished - 13 Mar 2014

Publication series

NameInternational Competition law Series


  • competition law
  • private enforcement
  • collective redress
  • European law


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  • Antitrust damages at member state level

    Rodger, B., 13 Nov 2014, Antitrust Damages in EU Law and Policy: GCLC Annual Conference Series. Derenne, J., Morgan de Rivery, E. & Petit, N. (eds.). Brussels, p. 29-59 31 p. (GCLC Annual Conferences Series; vol. 5).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

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