Community learning and development training for professionals engaged in community regeneration and community planning

A. Barr, D. Kirkpatrick, M. Lindsay, P. Taylor

    Research output: Working paper

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    The study was commissioned by the Scottish Executive Development Department to identify training needs and current provision of community learning and development (CLD) training for a range of professionals (other than those formally qualified in CLD) who are engaged in community regeneration and community planning (Local Government in Scotland Act 2003). It was one of a series of studies emanating from the Scottish Executive response to the review: „Empowered to Practice – the future of community learning and development training in Scotland‟. One of the themes of the report taken up by the Scottish Executive was the need for; „wider opportunities for joint training with other disciplines such as teachers, librarians, college lecturers, health workers and social workers‟.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages1 - 137
    Number of pages137
    Publication statusPublished - 2005


    • community learning and development (CLD)
    • community regeneration
    • professionals


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