Combustion Performance of Preheated Fuel

James John Guthrie

Research output: Book/ReportOther report


This report is an investigation into preheating treatment of combustion fuels. This report details the related combustion theory and analyses the combustion simulations undertaken. Preheated treatment results in higher combustion temperatures, improved particle atomisation, and increased efficiency in combustion and thermal terms. The author conducted: Theoretical analysis Energy analysis Combined gas law Combustion temperature Stoichiometry Enthalpy of formation Adiabatic flame temperature Computational simulations Engine compression with combustion The theoretical and simulation analyses agreed that increasing the initial fuel temperature increased the force on the piston in the engine, due to increased enthalpy, and considerations in the combustion model. The author gave consideration to components required for experiments to investigate the simulation and theoretical results, using an engine dynamometer. The author considered future atomisation models to be used to analyse preheated injector spray.

Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationFrankfurt am Main
Publication statusPublished - May 2014


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