Collective strong coupling in multimode cavity QED

Arne Wickenbrock, Michal Hemmerling, Gordon R.M. Robb, Clive C. Emary, Ferruccio F. Renzoni

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We study an atom-cavity system in which the cavity has several degenerate transverse modes. Mode-resolved cavity transmission spectroscopy reveals well-resolved atom-cavity resonances for several cavity modes, a signature of collective strong coupling for the different modes. Furthermore, the experiment shows that the cavity modes are coupled via the atomic ensemble contained in the cavity. The experimental observations are supported by a detailed theoretical analysis. The work paves the way to the use of interacting degenerate modes in cavity-based quantum information processing, where qubits corresponding to different cavity modes interact via an atom shared by the two modes. Our results are also relevant to the experimental realization of quantum spin glasses with ultracold atoms.
Original languageEnglish
Article number 043817
Number of pages8
JournalPhysical Review A
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 15 Apr 2013


  • collective
  • strong coupling
  • multimode cavity
  • QED


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