
G.H. Engelhard, Michael Heath, J.K. Pinnegar

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


Reviews the literature on the impact of climate change and variability on fish and shellfish populations ICES Cooperative Research Report No. 301 “Resolving climate impacts on fish stocks” has arrived in all its 385‐page splendour. As with all ICES publications, it is freely available online here or can be ordered from ICES in a hard‐copy version.
The report states, “Climate change will affect fishery resources and challenge managers to develop sustainable exploitation strategies. Knowledge of the effects of climate on fishery resources is still fragmentary”. The report presents an overview of the literature on the impact of climate change and variability on fish and shellfish populations in the Northeast Atlantic and the Mediterranean and Black seas, focusing on the processes that govern the response of fish and shellfish to climate change.
Results have appeared in the reports of various ICES working and study groups and are collected for the first
time in this CRR. One of the report’s editors, Adriaan Rijnsdorp, explains its significance: “For me, the most important aspect is
that we brought together a large group of scientists, covering a broad range of expertise: physical oceanography,
biophysical modelling, marine ecosystem dynamics, ecophysiology, zooplankton ecology, fish ecology, and fishery
science. “We took a bottom–up approach, trying to review the main processes that determine how climate will impact
fish populations, formulate a number of a priori working hypotheses, and analyse critically the possible effect of climate on the observed dynamics of a selection of well studied fish and shellfish species”.
The work was part of a research project carried out by nine European research institutes and funded by theSixth Framework Programme (FP6) of the European Union (RECLAIM, Contract 044133) and the national programmes.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationChapter 17 in: Resolving climatic impacts on fish stocks
EditorsA. Rijnsdorp, M.A. Peck, G.H. Engelhard, M. Christensen, J.K. Pinnegar
Number of pages13
Publication statusPublished - 2010


  • climate change
  • fish
  • statistics


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