Civil engineering employers engagement in work-integrated learning

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In this paper I provide two case studies of enhancing undergraduate students’ learning through Work-Integrated Learning (WIL). Both interventions involve university-industry partnerships with local and regional civil engineering employers. Industry Mentoring (2010-2024) is a curricular activity with an authentic assessment. Third-year students mentees (N=1130) were mentored by 298 practising civil engineers, representing 80 employers. Civil Engineering 4 Real (CE4R, 2012-2024) is a co-curricular hybrid programme of problem / project-based evening workshops (N=133), attended by 594 students with circa 2867 student attendances, supported by 218 engineers, representing 76 employers. Industry Mentoring and CE4R support students to network with employers, enhance their employability skills, and shape their professional identity. Through their pro bono assistance, employers have established a talent pipeline, recruiting students for summer placements and graduate jobs. For employers, their engagement provides evidence of enacting their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) through providing a social value contribution to a local university.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-13
Number of pages13
JournalProceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers: Management, Procurement and Law
Early online date5 Nov 2024
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 5 Nov 2024


  • employers
  • students
  • education & training
  • social impact


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