Changing Mind-sets and Pioneering Family Social Work in Tajikistan: An Evaluation of a Pilot Fostering Project and its Relation to Wider Family Support Services

Ian Milligan

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

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The purpose of the report is to provide an initial evaluation of the process of setting up a pilot fostering project in Tajikistan. The EU-funded and commissioned project was initiated and led by HealthProm, supported and match-funded by UNICEF, working with local NGO partners and Government departments. Fostering (by strangers as opposed to kin) is virtually unknown in Tajikistan1. Likewise state-funded community social services are at a very early stage of development and the subject of technical support programmes from the EU. The fostering programme is part of a larger 3-year project (2012-2015) developing a range of ’early years’, social services for families with babies and disabled children, called the Keeping and Finding Families project: Inclusive social services for young children in Tajikistan.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationUniversity of Strathclyde, Glasgow
Commissioning bodyHealthProm
Number of pages32
Publication statusPublished - 13 May 2016


  • Tajikistan
  • fostering
  • alternative care
  • professional fostering services


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