Case Study: Communities in Transition Model

Robert Rogerson, Sue Sadler

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

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This case study illustrates the value of methodologies that analyse local capacities and which establish frameworks to guide development in neighbourhoods where community organisation is weak or nonexistent. The Communities in Transition Model
(CIT) was developed by the Community Foundation for Northern Ireland (CFNI) based on a programme of work designed to address
‘weak community infrastructure’. The notion of ‘soft infrastructure’ emerged in the context of EU PEACE funding in Northern Ireland and considerable Structural Funds investment in the ‘hard’ infrastructure of roads, railways and industrial development. The shift in
programme delivery toward a stronger engagement with local people and reshaping of local governance exposed weaknesses in
the competence and organisational capacity of some parts of the community and voluntary sector.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2009

Publication series

NameSustainle Communities local case studies series


  • sustainable communities
  • skills
  • knowldge
  • transition


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