Capacity Building in Macedonia: Designing and Implementing an in-service Development Programme for Social Welfare Professionals

Ian Milligan

Research output: Book/ReportOther report

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This briefing paper illustrates CELCIS’ international work, and provides information about an exciting international collaboration, aimed at enhancing child welfare practice in Macedonia. The project provides an example of high-level collaboration as CELCIS worked with senior international consultants and the Government of Macedonia. Together the project team developed a framework for professional development that is rooted in the Macedonian context and informed by the highest standards of internationally-accepted social work practice. Drawing on previous experience, CELCIS staff developed an in-service curriculum aimed at all registered social service personnel in Macedonia.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationGlasgow
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2012


  • child welfare practice
  • macedonia
  • development programme


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