BUBL bursts out of Bath

A. Dawson

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    'In the hyperspeed reality of the Web world, a venerable institution is anything that's been around for longer than a year.' This quote is from a British newspaper article (Guardian Online 23 January 1997). The venerable BUBL has now been operating for six years, as outlined by Joanne Gold recently in The Serials Librarian. In fact BUBL is now so old that it has just had a facelift, undergone major surgery and moved to a new home in a new country. It is now entirely based at Strathclyde University in Scotland. This sadly means saying goodbye to the much-loved bubl.bath.ac.uk, but the new address is much shorter: http://bubl.ac.uk/. This article introduces the main components of the new BUBL service, along with some basic background information.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalSerials Librarian
    Issue number4
    Publication statusPublished - 1997


    • resource discovery
    • BUBL


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