Brand identity and online self-customisation usefulness perception

Hongwei He, LLoyd C. Harris, Weiyue Wang, Kamran Haider

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Online self-customisation (OSC) enables customers to tailor their preferences to certain product features via a brand-hosted online platform. Recent literature has given increasing attention to how consumers value OSC. However, extant research is characterised by a scarcity of understanding the effects of brand identity and individual differences on consumer responses to OSC. The purpose of this paper is to examine the mediating role of trust and the moderating role of need for uniqueness on the effects of brand identity prestige and brand identity similarity on consumer perceived usefulness of OSC. A field survey, through mall intercept, was conducted to test this conceptual framework. Our findings advance this field by finding that, not only the brand identity and consumer need for uniqueness, but also the interaction between them may affect consumers’ evaluation of OSC.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages25
JournalJournal of Marketing Management
Early online date20 Apr 2016
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 20 Apr 2016


  • brand identity
  • online self-customisation
  • trust
  • need for uniqueness
  • perceived usefulness
  • structural equation modelling


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