Blind time-period synchronization for lDPC convolutionally coded transmission

C. Stefanovic, D. Vukobratovic, D. Bajic, Vladimir M. Stankovic

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


In this paper we propose a scheme for blind time-period synchronization of Low-Density Parity-Check Convolutional Codes (LDPC CC) over the AWGN channel. Reliable timeperiod synchronization for LDPC CC coded transmission is a requirement for successful decoding at the receiving end. The proposed scheme exploits parity-check constraints incorporated into LDPC CC coded stream, and variants based both on the hard and soft-detected symbols are presented. We show that time-period synchronization can be acquired during the time-frame of one LDPC CC time period, which is considerably faster and less complex when compared to the block LDPC coded transmission of similar performance. Additionally, by appending the time-period synchronization preprocessors, we effectively incorporate the timeperiod synchronization into the iterative LDPC CC decoder 'pipeline' structure. Our simulation study demonstrates flexibility and excellent performance of the proposed scheme.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 24 Aug 2009
Event17th European Signal Processing Conference - Glasgow, Scotland
Duration: 24 Aug 200928 Aug 2009


Conference17th European Signal Processing Conference
CityGlasgow, Scotland


  • low-density parity-check convolutional codes


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