Billy and Oliver: an approach to promoting resilience and improving interaction in two residential child care settings

Charlotte Wilson, John Mackland, Jessica Cundy

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We are writing this paper as practitioners at Barnardo's Linksfield Service in Aberdeen, and Barnardo's Caern Project in Edinburgh. Barnardo's Linksfield Service provides a residential environment for children who display emotionally and socially challenging behaviour and/ or have experienced multiple placement disruptions, whose circumstances prevent chem from being accommodated with foster carers or their birch family. Barnardo's Caern Project is a residential shore breaks unit for young people with learning disabilities, and provides a support at home service which aims to increase the resilience and confidence of parents and carers.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)44-53
Number of pages10
JournalScottish Journal of Residential Child Care
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 28 Feb 2011


  • child care
  • social care practice
  • Barnardos
  • foster care Scotland


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