Bilge keel design for the traditional fishing boats of Indonesia's East Java

Wendi Liu, Yigit Kemal Demirel, Eko Budi Djatmiko, Setyo Nugroho, Tahsin Tezdogan, Rafet Emek Kurt, Heri Supomo, Imam Baihaqi, Zhiming Yuan, Atilla Incecik

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Seakeeping, especially for the roll motions, is of critical importance to the safe operation of fishing boats in Indonesia. In this study, a traditional East Java Fishing Boat (EJFB) has been analysed in terms of its seakeeping performance. Furthermore, a bilge keel was designed to reduce the roll motions of the EJFB using multiple stages approach. After installing the designed bilge keels, it was shown that up to 11.78 % and 4.87 % reduction in the roll response of irregular seaways and the total resistance under the design speed, respectively. It was concluded that the roll-stabilized-EJFB will enhance the well-being of the fisherman and contribute to the boats’ safe operation, especially in extreme weather conditions. Moreover, the total resistance reduction of the EJFB due to the installation of the designed bilge keels also resulted in increased operational efficiency and reduced fuel costs and fuel emissions for local stakeholders.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)380-395
Number of pages16
JournalInternational Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
Issue number1
Early online date9 Aug 2018
Publication statusPublished - 31 Jan 2019


  • East Java fishing boat
  • bilge keel
  • roll motion


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