Baseline study of employability related activities in Scottish colleges

Ian Finlay, Sheila Semple, Summer Kenesson, Anne Nicholson, Jess Duncan, Liz Seagraves, Scottish Funding Council (Funder)

Research output: Book/ReportOther report

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In October 2004, the Scottish Funding Council (SFC)'s predecessor bodies, theSFEFC and the SHEFC, publishedLearning to Work(SFC 2004), a discussion paperabout how Scotland's colleges and universities can help to enhance learners'employability. In subsequent dialogue with stakeholders, there was agreement thatemployability should be a specific focus for quality enhancement in the college sectorfrom 2006-07. As a basis for further development, the SFC commissioned this studyto provide information on the range of current activities and practices in Scotland'scolleges which contribute to enhancing employability.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationEdinburgh
Publication statusPublished - 2006


  • employability
  • employment
  • scotland
  • colleges
  • work


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