Automated pressure tube defect analysis

Panagiotis Zacharis, Graeme West, Christopher Wallace, Gordon Dobie, Anthony Gachagan

Research output: Contribution to conferencePoster

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- The Automated Data Analysis of Pressure Tubes (ADAPT) software has been developed to provide decision support to analysts interpreting ultrasonic inspection data
- The knowledge based system incorporates human expertise and has undergone testing at Strathclyde and at Bruce Power
- Data-driven techniques enable the automation of more subjective tasks
- The software identifies features and calculates parameters of the data, mirroring the existing analysis process to provide decision support
- Recent testing has demonstrated performance comparable to that of a human analyst in a fraction of the time currently required
- Side-by-side sessions with analysts highlighted key areas for improvement related to “edge cases” and large-scale analysis
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 9 May 2019
Event2019 Innovation Showcase: Nuclear Asset Management and Industrial Informatics - Toronto, Canada
Duration: 9 May 201910 May 2019


Conference2019 Innovation Showcase: Nuclear Asset Management and Industrial Informatics
Internet address


  • ADAPT software
  • data-driven techniques
  • ultrasonic inspection data


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