Autogeneous laser welding of dessimilar joints of stainless steel and carbon steel

N.A. McPherson, K. Chi, I. Noriega-Martinez, T.N. Baker

Research output: Contribution to conferenceProceedingpeer-review


The hydraulic valves referred to in this study are made of AISI304L non-magnetic stainless steel and AISI12L13 free-cutting steel tubular parts, which make up the main valve cylinder. The valves must have mechanical properties of a high level in order to be able to stand up to the demanding operating pressure cycles. In the final assembly, the valve cylinder, with its internal slider piece, is sealed by means of two butt welds. A laser-welding technique for the fabrication of the hydraulic valves is presented, in which the butt welds joining the AISI304L to the AISI12L13 were performed in such a way as to control solidification cracking and micro-fissuring.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - 13 Nov 2001
EventStainless Steel World 2001 - Den Hasg, Netherlands
Duration: 13 Nov 200115 Nov 2001


ConferenceStainless Steel World 2001
CityDen Hasg, Netherlands


  • welding
  • stainless steel
  • carbon steel
  • laser welding


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