Assessment of leak tightness for swellable elastomeric seals considering fluid-structure interaction with the CEL approach

Y. Gorash, A. Bickley, F. Gozalo

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Swellable elastomeric seal is a type of specifically engineered packer that swell upon contact with wellbore fluids. Assessment of leakage tightness is a fundamental aspect in the design of swellable packers, since they should guarantee a reliable sealing under extreme pressures of the downhole fluids. Numerical capability of the leakage pressure prediction would facilitate improvement in the packer design methodology. Previous work was focused on investigation of the non-parametric optimisation capability seeking for an optimal external shape with a goal to maximise the grip of a packer with a borehole. The verification of an optimised design was done with a dynamic FE-simulation of packer's failure by extrusion under an excessive pressure. The downside of that verification analysis was that Abaqus/Explicit solver couldn't implement a realistic adaptive pressure application due to changing packer disposition and contact conditions. This simulation challenge is addressed in this paper by application of the Coupled Eulerian-Lagrangian (CEL) approach in Abaqus/Explicit, which provides the ability to simulate a class of problems where the fluid-structure interaction (FSI) is important.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages15
Publication statusPublished - 7 Mar 2018
Event24th International Conference on Fluid Sealing - Manchester, United Kingdom
Duration: 7 Mar 20188 Mar 2018


Conference24th International Conference on Fluid Sealing
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


  • swellable elastomeric seal
  • leakage
  • optimised design


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