Assessment of evolutionary algorithm for reservoir operation

Jafar Y. Al-Jawad, Tiku Tanyimboh

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The complexity of water resources management problems, especially for multipurpose reservoirs, increases the motivation to find a robust method to overcome this challenge. Evolutionary optimization algorithms are used widely to handle reservoir management problems. In this research, one of the competitive methods of optimization named Borg MOEA was used to achieve reservoir operation control. A case study from the literature was used to test the algorithm's performance on this type of problems. The objective was to reduce the difference between reservoir releases and water demands and also to maintain a suitable amount of storage in the reservoir. The adopted method produced competitive solutions by improving the objective function value significantly when compared with the result in the literature. In addition, the quantity of water stored in the reservoir was increased.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)45-51
Number of pages7
JournalWater Utility Journal
Early online date1 May 2017
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 1 May 2017


  • evolutionary optimization algorithm
  • Borg MOEA
  • reservoir operation
  • multipurpose reservoir system


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