Assessing the value of increasing GB interconnection

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The liberalisation of electricity markets and increasing penetration of renewable generation are encouraging trading opportunities to be identified and developed. In Europe, the importance of interconnection is well recognised. Interconnections are particularly important for islanded nations, like Great Britain, which provides access to generation and demand across the national boundaries via sub-sea HVDC cables while providing means to share reserves enhancing the security of supply and reducing overall costs. There are plans in place to significantly increase the current 5 GW of interconnection capacity between GB and neighbouring European countries. The paper investigates the expected impacts that a large increase in interconnection capacity could have on key electricity market parameters such as marginal prices, carbon emissions and the nature of utilisation of existing and future GB interconnections. Several scenarios have been considered to model future uncertainty for the years 2020 and 2025.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - 29 Jun 2020
EventXXI Power Systems Computation Conference - Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
Duration: 29 Jun 20203 Jul 2020
Conference number: 21


ConferenceXXI Power Systems Computation Conference
Abbreviated titlePSCC
Internet address


  • HVDC interconnection
  • linear programming
  • European electricity markets
  • security of electricity supply
  • de-carbonisation of electricity system


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