Architectural Education Today: Cross-Cultural Perspectives

Ashraf M. Salama (Editor), William O'Reilly (Editor), Kaj Noschis (Editor)

Research output: Book/ReportBook


From the Introduction: Recent literature on architectural education notes that there are continuous attempts to massage architectural curricula, to reconfigure the structure of the educational process, to test accepted ideas, and to probe future visions. However, research findings reveal some fundamental disagreements over the goals and objectives, structure and contents, and tools and techniques required for architectural education today. Since education is the cornerstone of the profession and since the approach to and the content of that education is the backbone of architectural practice, it is essential to encounter the subject in its broadest sense and to deal with it as a rich field of research whose knowledge base, content, and methods can be examined, questioned, and debated. Very few attempts have been developed over the last decade or so by individual scholars to explore the rituals of education in a systematic, visionary, and research-based manner. This indicates the need for more published research and experiments on architectural education and practice. Architectural Education Today is a response to this lack, and is divided into four parts, each of which seeks to provide an exploration of answers to critical questions that pertain to knowledge, professional practice, educational experiments and experiences, and their supporting tools. The intent is not to provide a blue print on how improvement might occur or to offer ready-made or definitive answers, but to further open architectural education to discussion; a subject that continued for years to get sparse attention. Foreword: Suha Ozkan, Aga Khan Trust for Culture, Geneva Introduction: Ashraf Salama and Kaj Noschis The book includes visionary and research articles of: Hallina Dunin Woyseth, Oslo, Norway; Peter Rowe, Cambridge, MA: USA; Samer Akkach, Adelaide, Australia; Emel Akozer, Ankara, Turkey; Ashraf Salama, Cairo, Egypt; Marwan Ghandour, Beirut, Lebanon; Hana Alamuddin, Beirut, Lebanon; Mohamed Awad, Alexandria, Egypt; Pierre Von Meiss, Lausanne, Switzerland; Attilio Petruccioli, Bari, Italy; Kambis Navai, Tehran, Iran; Heba Safey El-deen, Cairo, Egypt; Mohamed Al Asad, Amman, Jordan; Sultan Barakat, York, UK; Roger MacGinty, York, UK; Sultan Al Harithy, Muscat, Oman; Ann Beamish, Cambridge, MA: USA; Amr Abdel Kawi, Cairo, Egypt; Nasser Rabbat, Cambridge, MA: USA.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationLausanne, Switzerland
Number of pages155
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2002

Publication series

NameArchitecture & Behaviour Colloquia
PublisherEcole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne


  • architectural education
  • historical architecture
  • design studio
  • experiential learning
  • Africa
  • Middle East


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