Applying series braking resistors to improve the stability of low inertia synchronous generators

R. Tumilty, C.G. Bright, G.M. Burt, Olimpo Anaya-Lara, J.R. McDonald

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Widely held concerns over the environmental impact of emissions from large fossil fuelled generating plants are serving to promote the connection of renewable or sustainable generation onto distribution networks. Many such generators are synchronous machines with low values of inertia, and thus possess short critical clearance times to avoid the onset of transient instability. With fault clearance times of up to 1s occurring in distribution networks, there is
the potential for a growing problem as distributed generation makes up a larger proportion of installed capacity. This paper proposes the use of series braking
resistors that are switched into circuit at the generator terminals as a means of improving transient stability, and thus avoid, or at least defer major upgrades to distribution system protection
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 2007
EventCIRED 2007 - Vienna, Austria
Duration: 21 May 200724 May 2007


ConferenceCIRED 2007


  • environmental impact assessment
  • fossil fuelled generating plants
  • distribution networks
  • synchronous machines
  • inertia
  • series braking resistors
  • distribution system protection


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