Anti-Vitruvian architects and contemporary society

Ashraf M Salama

Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationEditorial


Certain issues keep presenting themselves on the map of discussions about architecture and its role as a profession in contemporary societies. Recently, I came across two web interventions that highlight some of these issues. The first is a video clip on You Tube, titled “is the architect obsolete?” and the second is an article on the website of Design Intelligence by Helena Jubany, titled “The Social Responsibility of Architects” These were a trigger for this editorial in which I re-iterate some of the issues I presented in my earlier writings...
Original languageEnglish
Specialist publicationArch-Peace Online Editorials
Publication statusPublished - 26 Sept 2011


  • Vitruvius
  • professional practice
  • architectural education
  • starchitect
  • social responsibility


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