Analytic solutions of a simple advection-diffusion model of an oxygen transfer device

Sean McKee, Ewan A Dougall, Nigel J Mottram

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Artificial blood oxygenation is an essential aspect of cardiopulmonary bypass surgery, maintaining physiological levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood, and thus temporarily replacing the normal function of the lungs. The blood-gas exchange devices used for such procedures have a long history and have had varying degrees of success. In this paper we consider a simple model of a new approach to enhancing the diffusion of oxygen into the blood while it is contained in the artificial blood oxygenator. We show that using a transverse flow, which may be set up using mixing elements that we have previously shown experimentally to enhance blood oxygenation, will increase the oxygen levels within the blood. This simple model and associated analytic solutions can then be used to aid the optimisation of blood oxygenation devices.
Original languageEnglish
Article number3
Number of pages22
JournalJournal of Mathematics in Industry
Publication statusPublished - 13 Apr 2016


  • blood oxygenation
  • advection diffusion model
  • mathematical analysis
  • numerical simulation


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