Analysis of bodily fluids using infrared spectroscopy for the diagnosis and/or prognosis of cancer

Matthew J. Baker (Inventor), Katie Spalding (Inventor), Caryn Hughes (Inventor), David Palmer (Inventor), Benjamin Richard Smith (Inventor), Franck Bonnier (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


A method of diagnosing and/or prognosing an abnormality, such as a proliferative disorder in a subject, includes performing an IR spectroscopic analysis of a wet biofluid sample, such as a blood sample (or component thereof) from the subject; to produce a spectroscopic signature characteristic of the biofluid/blood sample (or component thereof).
Original languageEnglish
Patent numberWO2017221027A1
Priority date24/04/16
Filing date23/06/17
Publication statusPublished - 28 Dec 2017


  • infrared spectroscopy
  • analysis of bodily fluids
  • cancer diagnosis
  • IR spectroscopic analysis
  • wet biofluid sample


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