An ultra-high gain and efficient amplifier based on Raman amplification in plasma

G. Vieux, S. Cipiccia, D. W. Grant, N. Lemos, P. Grant, C. Ciocarlan, B. Ersfeld, M. S. Hur, P. Lepipas, G. G. Manahan, G. Raj, D. Reboredo Gil, A. Subiel, G. H. Welsh, S. M. Wiggins, S. R. Yoffe, J. P. Farmer, C. Aniculaesei, E. Brunetti, X. YangR. Heathcote, G. Nersisyan, C. L. S. Lewis, A. Pukhov, J. M. Dias, D. A. Jaroszynski

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Raman amplification arising from the excitation of a density echelon in plasma could lead to amplifiers that significantly exceed current power limits of conventional laser media. Here we show that 1–100 J pump pulses can amplify picojoule seed pulses to nearly joule level. The extremely high gain also leads to significant amplification of backscattered radiation from "noise", arising from stochastic plasma fluctuations that competes with externally injected seed pulses, which are amplified to similar levels at the highest pump energies. The pump energy is scattered into the seed at an oblique angle with 14 J sr−1, and net gains of more than eight orders of magnitude. The maximum gain coefficient, of 180 cm−1, exceeds high-power solid-state amplifying media by orders of magnitude. The observation of a minimum of 640 J sr−1 directly backscattered from noise, corresponding to ≈10% of the pump energy in the observation solid angle, implies potential overall efficiencies greater than
Original languageEnglish
Article number2399
Pages (from-to)1-10
Number of pages10
JournalScientific Reports
Publication statusPublished - 25 May 2017


  • Raman amplification
  • laser plasma interaction
  • density echelon
  • backscattered radiation
  • low intensity seed pulses
  • pump intensities


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