An overview of image processing techniques and their applications

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Image processing is a mature area of research where the goal is often to extract meaning from and quantify digital images automatically. Image processing has been used widely in industrial applications to help streamline processes and to automate manufacture. It allows high throughput analysis of cell cultures in the biological world and has allowed significant developments in other areas including: defense, medicine, aerospace, astronomy, chemistry and more. This paper provides an overview of 6 very different image processing projects which are either ongoing or have been recently completed by the author and his colleagues and collaborators. The techniques described range from methods for automatically stitching images of the inside of nuclear reactor cores to novel approaches for determining the shelf life of baked sponges through hyperspectral imaging. The descriptions of the work are at a high level and should appeal to anyone who is generally interested in image processing and its applications. Where possible, we provide references to publications which have resulted from the work described here and we also provide references to key image processing texts which explain the underlying techniques in more detail.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished - 18 Feb 2014
EventRecent Advances and Developments in Communication Systems - Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
Duration: 17 Feb 200420 Feb 2006


ConferenceRecent Advances and Developments in Communication Systems
Country/TerritoryViet Nam
CityHo Chi Minh City
Internet address


  • image processing
  • signal processing
  • hyperspectral Imaging
  • hyperspectral data analysis


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