An investigation of analysis of variance as a tool for exploring regional differences in strong ground motions

John Douglas*

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55 Citations (Scopus)


The statistical technique known as analysis of variance is applied to a large set of European strong-motion data to investigate whether strong ground motions show a regional dependence. This question is important when selecting strong-motion records for the derivation of ground motion prediction equations and also when choosing strong-motion records from one geographical region for design purposes in another. Five regions with much strong-motion data (the Caucasus region, central Italy, Friuli, Greece and south Iceland) are investigated here. For the magnitude and distance range where there are overlapping data from the five areas (2.50≤Ms≤5.50, 0≤d≤35 km) and consequently analysis of variance can be performed, there is little evidence for a regional dependence of ground motions. There is a lack of data from moderate and large magnitude earthquakes (Ms > 5.5) so analysis of variance cannot be performed there. Since there is uncertainty regarding scaling ground motions from small to large magnitudes whether ground motions from large earthquakes are significantly different in different parts of Europe is not known. Analysis of variance has the ability to complement other techniques for the assessment of regional dependence of ground motions.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)485-496
Number of pages12
JournalJournal of Seismology
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2004


  • analysis of variance
  • attenuation relations
  • ground motion estimation
  • regional dependence
  • regression analysis
  • strong ground motion
  • strong-motion data


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