An e-Service delivery platform for building indoor environment and energy performance assessment

J. Kim, J. A. Clarke, J. Allison, J. Ahn, D. Chung

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The volume of data relating to the built environment is expected to markedly increase as low cost, wireless monitoring devices proliferate. It is anticipated that the technology will provide facilities managers with new tools for cost-effective energy use reduction. To address this opportunity, several projects worldwide are developing data platforms possessing integrated analytics corresponding to distinct energy-related services (hereinafter referred to as ‘e-services’). This paper summarises the first year activity of a Korean project addressing the delivery of new information services relating to the energy and environmental performance of buildings. An e-service delivery platform based on pervasive sensors and the Hadoop ‘big data’ platform has been developed. The hardware and software components are designed to meet technical requirements for a range of energy and environment services for which the essential features are low cost devices and open communication protocols. The form of the hardware and software systems is herein described and results from
deployments in Korea and the UK reported.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 27 Nov 2016
Event 3rd Asia Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association - Phoenix Island, Jeju, Korea, Republic of
Duration: 27 Nov 201629 Nov 2016


Conference 3rd Asia Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association
Abbreviated titleASIM 2016
Country/TerritoryKorea, Republic of
Internet address


  • Big data platform
  • pervasive sensing
  • e-service delivery
  • low cost
  • energy management


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