An arrangement for influencing liquid flow and a method

Weichao Shi (Inventor), Mehmet Atlar (Inventor), Callum Stark (Inventor), Matthew Thompson (Inventor), Moritz Troll (Inventor), Leon Sweet (Inventor)

Research output: Patent

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According to the present disclosure there is provided an arrangement (110) for influencing liquid flow, the arrangement comprising: a first section (1100) selectively configurable to provide a vortex generator surface (3100) to induce vortices in the liquid flow. The arrangement further comprises a second section (2100), wherein the first section and second section are movable relative to one another to provide the vortex generator surface.
Original languageEnglish
Patent numberPCT/GB2021/051843
Priority date23/07/20
Filing date23/07/20
Publication statusPublished - 27 Jan 2022


  • liquid flow
  • fluid flow
  • watercraft
  • influencing fluid flow
  • ducts
  • vortex generator


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