An analytical review of market system dynamics in consumer culture theory research: insights from the sociology of markets

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Drawing on insights from the sociology of markets, we offer an analytical review of market system dynamics (MSD) in consumer culture theory (CCT) research. We surface important theoretical gaps in current understanding and suggest future research areas. To extend the breadth and depth of MSD’s explanatory power in CCT research, we invite researchers to place greater emphasis on exploring four key issues: 1) differing institutional contexts and their influences on market dynamics; 2) the place and impact of the institutions of the family and religion in market shaping; 3) the role of race, ethnicity and nationality in market dynamics, within and across national borders; 4) conceptualizations of marketplaces as ambiguous environments wherein multiple ideologies, power regimes, and politics interact. In so doing, as a community of researchers, we can advance knowledge on not only what markets do in society but also on what markets do to society.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1261-1274
Number of pages14
JournalJournal of Business Research
Issue number2
Early online date4 Nov 2021
Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2022


  • market system dynamics
  • consumer culture theory
  • field theory
  • network theory
  • performativity
  • institutional theory
  • political economy
  • population ecology
  • literature review


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