All-optical differentiation of sub-picosecond pulses in SOI Bragg gratings

M.J. Strain, K.A. Rutkowska, D. Duchesne, R. Morandotti, M. Sorel, J. Azaña

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution book


The promise of higher data-rate telecommunications links has focussed research efforts into all-optical signal processing schemes. Many of these have targeted digital operations using devices such as Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers (SOAs)[1] and micro-ring lasers[2]. Although all-optical digital processing will allow 3R (reamplification, reshaping and retiming) and logic operations, ultra-high-bit-rate communications, ultra-fast computing and data processing also require the capability to deal with analogue optical signals.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2011 conference on lasers and electro-optics europe and 12th european quantum electronics conference (CLEO EUROPE/EQEC 2011)
Place of PublicationNew York
Number of pages1
ISBN (Print)9781457705335
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2011
Event2011 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and 12th European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO EUROPE/EQEC 2011 - Munich, Germany
Duration: 22 May 201126 May 2011


Conference2011 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and 12th European Quantum Electronics Conference, CLEO EUROPE/EQEC 2011


  • all-optical differentiation
  • sub-picosecond pulses
  • SOI Bragg gratings


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