Adiabatic quantum state manipulation of single trapped atoms

M Khudaverdyan, W Alt, I Dotsenko, L Forster, S Kuhr, D Meschede, Y Miroshnychenko, D Schrader, A Rauschenbeutel

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We use microwave-induced adiabatic passages for selective spin flips within a string of optically trapped individual neutral Cs atoms. We position-dependently shift the atomic transition frequency with a magnetic field gradient. To flip the spin of a selected atom, we optically measure its position and sweep the microwave frequency across its respective resonance frequency. We analyze the addressing resolution and the experimental robustness of this scheme. Furthermore, we show that adiabatic spin flips can also be induced with a fixed microwave frequency by deterministically transporting the atoms across the position of resonance.

Original languageEnglish
Article number031404
Number of pages4
JournalPhysical Review A
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2005


  • adiabatic quantum state
  • manipulation
  • single trapped atoms
  • microwave-induced
  • selective spin flips
  • neutral Cs atoms


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