Adaptive immunity and genetics of the host immune response

Craig W. Roberts*, Sheela Prasad, Farzana Khaliq, Ricardo T. Gazzinelli, Imtiaz A. Khan, Rima McLeod

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

7 Citations (Scopus)


Studies of genetics of host and parasite are powerful tools to understand immunity to T. gondii and how innate and adaptive immune responses provide key protective and pathogenic effector functions. The strong influence of host genetics on this disease process has been evident from early studies and has been exploited to identify immunological functional correlates of protection and pathology. In the past fifteen years there have been a number of scholarly, comprehensive reviews of cell mediated immunity, newborn immunity, dendritic cells and antigen processing and presentation, and of how each of these are relevant to toxoplasmosis. This chapter does not reiterate the detailed summaries of the literature, but instead, includes relevant references, summary figures and tables from these earlier works, as well as tables created for this chapter that provide overviews and outline the mechanisms involved in the T. gondii immune response. These tables develop the concepts that the immune response contributes to both protection and pathogenesis of disease. In addition, this chapter provides a review of important mechanistic insights into the immune response to T. gondii. Furthermore, the immunogenetics of the human host response to T. gondii is discussed and this literature is reviewed in depth.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationToxoplasma Gondii
Subtitle of host publicationThe Model Apicomplexan - Perspectives and Methods
EditorsLouis M. Weiss, Kami Kim
Number of pages176
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2013


  • animal models
  • B cells
  • chemokines
  • cytokines
  • host response
  • human immune response
  • immunity
  • immunogenetics
  • intracellular pathogens
  • T cells


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