A review of recent developments in construction operative training

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

16 Citations (Scopus)


Future skill requirements and training initiatives designed to meet them, are highly topical issues in the construction industry. The pace of change affecting the structure of training generally has created consider-able confusion among employers in the construction industry. In the mind of the average employer there is still uncertainty about the nature and value of competence-based qualifications (NVQs) which are still at a relatively early stage of implementation. Training provision has been decimated by the effects of the recession. The range of options for training routes has become more complex due to continuing government initiatives and frequent changes in funding policy. This paper traces the prevailing trends in the provision of craft training in the UK construction industry, highlighting the fragmentation of funding arrangements and its effects on the structure of training. First, recent developments in government policy for youth training in the UK in general are reviewed. Second, formalized training procedures and the roles of the different training organizations in the construction industry are discussed. This forms an important backdrop for understanding issues affecting the introduction of new vocational qualifications. Finally, the aims, objectives and key characteristics of these qualifications are presented. Factors that have constrained the implementa-tion and delivery of the new qualifications are identified also.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)511-520
JournalConstruction Management and Economics
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 1998


  • construction operative training
  • construction training
  • vocational qualifications


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