A Repository of Political Party and Interest Group Texts

Zachary Greene, Christoph Ivanusch, Pola Lehmann, Thomas Schober

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

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Work Package 4 of OPTED has created a repository of links to data collections of political text produced by political parties and interest groups (IG), using the definitions and criteria outlined in the first deliverable (D4.1). The repository can be accessed here: https://perma.wzb.eu/opted_wp4_inventory. The inventory consists of two spreadsheets (datasets). One spreadsheet each for political parties and IGs. It contains information about the corpora we identified including temporal, country, and party coverage, accessibility, and usability. The variable text.category informs the user about the text type that can be accessed via the specific corpus, e.g. press releases, manifestos, websites. We regard the repository as a living document that will continue to grow and be updated over the full course of the design phase. The codebook to this repository can be found here: https://perma.wzb.eu/opted_wp4_codebook_inventory. In this report, we provide an overview of our approach to identifying data repositories and the available data we have identified in key areas to date. In the process of creating this repository, we have also identified areas where data has yet to be compiled or is not readily available from online sources.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationVienna
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - 31 May 2021


  • political parties
  • interest groups
  • political text
  • content analysis
  • data repositories


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