A precoding and equalisation design based on oversampled filter banks for dispersive channels with correlated noise

C. Liu, C.H. Ta, S. Weiss

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Oversampled filter banks (OSFBs) have recently been considered for channel coding since their redundancy introduced into the transmitted signal permits more freedom in the design of joint transmitter and receiver. Further specifically, they can be exploited to transmit over low noise subspaces or even mitigate dispersiveness of the channel. In this paper we propose a joint precoding and equalisation design using OSFBs, which find a compromise between
transmitting over the low-noise subspace of channel noise’s polyphase components, and the high-gain subspace of the channel’s polyphase components. Polynomial building blocks are permitted and the minimisation of the mean square error (MSE) at the receiver output is achieved. We describe the design, and highlight the communalities and differences of this approach to existing methods. Simulation results show the benefit of the proposed system design
compared to existing design approaches.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 2007
Event15th European Signal Processing Conference - Poznan , Poland
Duration: 3 Sept 20077 Sept 2007


Conference15th European Signal Processing Conference
Abbreviated titleEUSIPCO 2007


  • Oversampled filter banks
  • OSFBs
  • channel coding
  • joint precoding and equalisation design
  • low-noise subspace
  • mean square error
  • MSE


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