A novel application of system survival signature in supply chain risk management

Abroon Qazi, John Quigley, Alex Dickson

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution book

1 Citation (Scopus)
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Supply chains have become complex because of the globalization and outsourcing, and the lack of visibility across the entire network makes it difficult to manage the risks. The concept of 'System survival signature' has recently been developed for capturing the network configuration of a system comprising different types of components. Its utilization in the evaluation of system reliability is unique in terms of its capability of segregating the network signature from the probability distribution of failure time of components. We introduce this concept in the realm of supply chain risk management. This novel application can be helpful in evaluating supply network reliability through gauging two distinct features of network configuration and risk profiles of the suppliers. The application is illustrated with the help of two simple examples. The technique can be of significant value to the supply chain managers in taking strategic decisions concerning suppliers and network configuration. We have also adapted the existing risk importance measures in the field of reliability engineering for their application in the domain of supply network reliability.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 2015 Internati onal Conference on Industrial Engin eering and Operations Management Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE), March 3 – 5, 2015
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - 5 Mar 2015
Event5th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, IEOM 2015 - Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Duration: 3 Mar 20155 Mar 2015


Conference5th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, IEOM 2015
Country/TerritoryUnited Arab Emirates


  • network configuration
  • supply chain risk management
  • supply network reliability
  • system survival signature


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