A new active power controller in dual active bridge DC-DC converter with a minimum-current-point-tracking technique

Osama M. Hebala, Ahmed A. Aboushady, Khaled H. Ahmed, Ibrahim Abdelsalam, Samuel J. Burgess

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This paper proposes a new controller for power regulation in dual active bridge (DAB) DC−DC converter based on a new scheme that tracks minimum RMS current to ensure minimum losses. The proposed controller is based on an implementation of perturb and observe (P&O) tracking method that enables minimum current point tracking (MCPT) at any desired level of active power transfer and DC voltage ratio. The P&O is embedded in a closed loop control scheme which simultaneously regulates active power in DAB converter. The nonlinear I-V characteristic of DAB presents the basis for this proposed controller and the rationale of using P&O algorithm. The proposed controller does not require complex non-linear converter modelling and is not circuit parameter dependent. Design procedure of the proposed controller is presented, and extensive simulation is carried out using MATLAB/Simulink to validate effectiveness of the proposed MCPT closed loop controller. An experimental prototype also substantiates the results achieved.
Original languageEnglish
JournalIEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics
Early online date14 Aug 2020
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 14 Aug 2020


  • dual active bridge (DAB)
  • minimum current point tracking
  • perturb and observe
  • RMS current stress


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