A model for inter-institutional collaboration: the GAELS project document delivery trials

S. Ashworth, N. Joint

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    Glasgow and Strathclyde Universities received funding from the Scottish Higher Education Funding Council to investigate the collaborative provision of library services between the two institiutions. The investigation was, initially, in the area of engineering. The GAELS Project (Glasgow Allied Electronically with Strathclyde) ran between June 1999 and June 2001. An audit of existing information services which demonstrated that perceived information needs of researchers in both engineering faculties did not match the actual needs. Engineering researchers had low use of traditional library services and preferred electronic services. An overlap study of periodicals holdings between the two institutions found duplication in periodicals holdings of around £70,000 per annum. A series of document delivery trials was initiated, including local document delivery between the two sites, a commerical document delivery service for one research group, and a wholly electronic service to the desktop for bioengineers at Strathclyde University. The trials' findings are presented along with outcomes, both actual and projected, for future collaboration.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)150-158
    Number of pages9
    JournalLibrary Review
    Issue number4
    Publication statusPublished - 2003


    • collaboration
    • ejournals
    • GAELS


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