A model-based analysis method for evaluating the grid impact of EV and high harmonic content sources

Joseph Melone, Jawwad Zafar, Federico Coffele, Adam Dysko, Graeme M. Burt

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The impact on the distribution grid when Electric Vehicles are connected is an im-portant technical question in the development of new smart grids. This paper looks in detail at the predictive capability of a model, calculating harmonic voltage and current levels, in the situation where an electric vehicle is being charged by an in-ductive charging plate which acts as a substantial source of harmonic distortion. The method described in this paper models distortion at the LV side of the distribution grid by reconstructing the HV harmonic distortion levels seen at a typical LV sub-station. Additional LV connected harmonic-rich current sources can then be added, allowing a quantitative analysis of the impact of such sources on the distribution grid in terms of measurable harmonics magnitude and phase angle with respect to the fundamental.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)99 - 110
Number of pages11
JournalInternational Journal of Distributed Energy Resources
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 30 Nov 2015


  • FFT
  • harmonic measurement
  • inductive charger impact
  • LV grid
  • power quality measurement


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