A long term follow up of voice outcomes in children following laryngo-tracheal reconstruction or crichotracheal resection surgery

Wendy Cohen, David M Wynne, Susan Lloyd, Richard Townsley

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


Background: Laryngeal airway narrowing from subglottic stenosis (SGS) may be congenital or acquired, with many SGS cases acquired following intubation or laryngotracheal injury. Two main approaches to reconstructive surgical management exist: laryngotracheal reconstruction (LTR) and partial cricotracheal resection (CTR). LTR and CTR procedures have been undertaken in Glasgow since the early 1980s. A retrospective audit of parents’ perspectives on quality of life for their children showed parental concerns related to breathing, respiratory tract infection and voice quality; in addition to concerns relating to independence and the ability to lead a normal life. This study evaluated in detail a range of vocal parameters in children over the age of 5 who have had LTR/CTR at the hospital in Glasgow. Methods: 21% of the existing cohort of children who had LTR or CTR at the hospital opted to take part in the study. Awake laryngoscopy and voice recordings using a standard protocol were taken for each participant and prepared for a range of acoustic and perceptual analyses and comparison to available normative data. Parent and child perspectives on voice related quality of life were also gathered. Results: For some children there were normal laryngoscopy ratings along with aspects of normally evaluated voice. For others voice quality remains impaired. These will be presented in relation to the laryngoscopy and voice data. Conclusion: For some children, normal voice is a potential outcome following LTR/CTR and this finding is of particular value for professionals supporting young children about to have LTR or CTR procedures.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 7 Oct 2016
EventCutting Edge Laryngology - Royal College of Surgeon, London, United Kingdom
Duration: 5 Oct 20167 Oct 2016


ConferenceCutting Edge Laryngology
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Internet address


  • laryngology
  • laryngo-tracheal reconstruction
  • subglottic stenosis


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