A funded project-based approach to Open Access implementation

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review

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    With the European Commission's Open Access policy as a mainstay,
    funder-driven policies have been setting the framework for Open Access
    implementation for quite some time now. However, while a funded project-based approach to the implementation of such policies is commonplace at European level nowadays, especially through the work done by the OpenAIRE project, this is far from being the norm yet at national level. Using the very advanced funder-driven Open Access policy landscape in the UK as a case study, the presentation will show how an optimal funded project-based approach to Open Access implementation might work in other policy environments. It will be argued that the lessons learnt in the course of the PASTEUR4OA project for identifying opportunities for Open Access Policy Alignment Strategies for European Union Research reach beyond the issuing of such policies and should also be applied at policy implementation level.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 21 Sept 2017
    EventPUBMET2017 - The 4th Conference on Scholarly Publishing in the Context of Open Science - University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
    Duration: 21 Sept 201722 Sept 2017
    Conference number: 4


    ConferencePUBMET2017 - The 4th Conference on Scholarly Publishing in the Context of Open Science
    Abbreviated titlePUBMET


    • Open Access
    • funded research projects
    • research impact
    • metadata
    • OpenAIRE2020


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