A framework for resource dependent EDSLs in a dependently typed language (Artifact)

Jan de Muijnck-Hughes, Edwin C. Brady, Wim Vanderbauwhede

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dris' Effects library demonstrates how to embed resource dependent algebraic effect handlers into a dependently typed host language, providing run-time and compile-time based reasoning on type-level resources. Building upon this work, Resources is a framework for realising Embedded Domain Specific Languages (EDSLs) with type systems that contain domain specific substructural properties. Differing from Effects, Resources allows a language’s substructural properties to be encoded within type-level resources that are associated with language variables. Such an association allows for multiple effect instances to be reasoned about autonomically and without explicit type-level declaration. Type-level predicates are used as proof that the language’s substructural properties hold. Several exemplar EDSLs are presented that illustrates our framework’s operation and how dependent types provide correctness-by-construction guarantees that substructural properties of written programs hold.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)02:1-02:3
Number of pages3
JournalDagstuhl Artifacts Ser.
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 12 Jun 2020
Event34th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, ECOOP 2020 - Virtual, Berlin, Germany
Duration: 15 Nov 202017 Nov 2020


  • dependent types
  • algebraic effect handlers
  • domain-specific languages
  • embedded domain specific languages
  • Idris
  • substructural type-systems
  • software
  • system modeling languages


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