A comparison of the tribological behaviour of Y-TZP in tea and coffee under micro-abrasion conditions

Shayan Sharifi, Margaret Stack

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The micro-abrasion of Y-TZP, a candidate dental restorative material, was investigated in a range of caffeine-containing solutions which included tea and coffee. Additions of sugar and milk were used to test the effects of viscosity and pH on the wear rate. The results indicated a significant increase in wear rate in the various solutions, with some correlation between wear rate and increases in viscosity and this was linked to enhance particle entrainment in the more viscous solutions. The generally lower wear rate in tea compared to coffee was associated with a longer ageing period in this solution before uniform wear was observed. Micro-abrasion maps were used to characterize the differences in performance for the material in the environments studied.
Original languageEnglish
Article number404008
Number of pages11
JournalJournal of Physics D: Applied Physics
Issue number40
Early online date19 Sept 2013
Publication statusPublished - 9 Oct 2013


  • micro-abrasion
  • Y-TZP
  • wear corrosion
  • viscosity ratio
  • micro-abrasion maps


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