A baseline study of domestic abuse prevention activities in seven local authorities in Scotland

Richard Brunner, Scottish Government (Funder), National Children and Young People’s Prevention Network (Funder)

Research output: Book/ReportOther report

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This report creates the first baseline of domestic abuse prevention work in a sample of seven Scottish local authorities. The focus of the study is on primary prevention. This is work with children and young people which is aimed at preventing violence before it happens. There is some interlinking with secondary prevention, which is work that targets women and children who have experienced domestic abuse. The study locates these activities in the context of recommendations made by Jane Ellis in her review of prevention evidence (Scottish Government 2008). It also pays particular attention to the National Domestic Abuse Delivery Plan for Children and Young People (Scottish Government 2008) and the emerging Curriculum for Excellence. The study was commissioned by the National Children and Young People's Prevention Network. It is the companion to A Report on the Evaluation of the 'Why Create a Drama'? Project which evaluates the impact of a forum theatre production on the theme of domestic abuse presented in schools by Baldy Bane Theatre Company.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 20 Apr 2010


  • domestic abuse
  • prevention
  • Scotland
  • baseline study
  • prevention activities
  • local authorities


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