2000 Glasgow Lives database (Glasgow Museums)

Arthur Mcivor, David Walker

Research output: Non-textual formData set/Database


205 of the original 300 analogue tapes belonging to the 2000 Glasgow Lives oral history archive collection have now been digitised (WAV and MP3 formats) and saved to the GM database. In addition, 205 time-coded summaries have been created in Word format for the digitised recordings and saved to GM database.

In addition:
1. St.Kilda cassette tapes digitised and made available for use in a current research project and for future open access .
2. Voices from the Yard were put into a digital form (wav files) and put on to the GM database.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationGlasgow
Media of outputOnline
Publication statusPublished - 2011


  • Glasgow
  • local history
  • social identity
  • oral history
  • preservation
  • digitisation


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